Through various programs and workshops BCBPWN focuses its attention on the problems that affect humanity by offering multiple business and Professional focused programs to the community throughout the year.
Power Sisterhood Networking Luncheon
This networking event allows us to promote local business leaders .... Those who are dedicated to action and proctecting human rights, social justice, and the pursuits of happiness as business owners and community leaders.
May 27, 2024, 3pm
Tickets and Donations via Eventbrite
Join Founders and the Broward County Business & Professional Women's Network of NANBPWC, Inc for our Annual Founder's Day & Scholarship Awards, Make your tax-deductible scholarship donation today!
This program honors our founders, students, and leaders that have shared in the building of our community. Here we reaffirm the ideals of the association and rededicate ourselves to the goals and objectives of the organization. Ultimately distributing scholarship and honoree awards to honor and support our mission of promoting and protecting the interests of African-American businesses and professional women.
We will award Honorees in the areas of:
Organizational Leadership Award
L.E.T.S. Business Achievement Award
Scholarship Awardees: TBA
February 2024
THE L.E.T.S EMPOWER WOMEN Forum is a free and open community forum. The program includes networking as presentations by guest speakers to include the following: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Community Service.